CareKit Connect

Proactive Patient Engagement & Product Support Tool

CareKit Connect

Our bundled practice patient support tool CareKit Connect deploys a virtual nurse assistant “Angel” to recognize early signs of wound issues and problems using the kits.

Angel will:

  • Confirm kit delivery
  • Send shipment information via SMS (if shipment has not already been delivered)
  • Identify any issues with the kits’ use or it’s contents
  • Seamlessly transfer kit recipients to MiroDX’s internal product support team
  • Route patients to MiroDX’s digital patient support tools
  • Seamlessly transfer kit recipients that report wound related concerns to their providers

Listen to a sample call below

How does it work?


Identify qualifying patients and prescribe CareKits as usual


Angel will reach out to the patient within 48 hours of shipment to ensure successful delivery of kits and will triage questions to available resources. Follow up is continued weekly through out their care plan.


Angel will transfer patients seamlessly to the most appropriate resource to resolve their problem or question.

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